Pulsar Anodized Aluminum Dugout

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:

The PulsarĀ Anodized Aluminum DugoutĀ is a quintessential smoker’s on-the-go tool. Features an easy twist top and a spring-loaded aluminum taster bat. A hollow chamber on the other side stores ground up herbs. Plunge the end of your taster bat into your herbs to fill it and get a quick hit while you are on the go.

The included taster bat is decorated like a cigarette for unsuspecting discreet smoking.

Available in 3 inch (7.62 cm) or 4 inch (10.16 cm) sizes and a variety of colors.

Additional information
Weight 0.4536 g

3 Inch (7.62 cm)


4 Inch (10.16 cm)


Dugout Green


Dugout Black


Dugout Silver


Dugout Rainbow


Dugout Red

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