Why Advertise in Our Boxes?

Elevate Your Business Awareness

We partner with a local women and minority owned Colorado dispensary called Police and Thieves, offering an exclusive line of Experience Boxes from their Cherry Creek and East Colfax locations.

These boxes blend top-notch cannabis items with premium lifestyle products, each thoughtfully selected to enhance daily moments.

Secure a tag spot inside our Experience Box for just $100.

Ā Each GreenDoor Experience Box includes special tags that, when tapped with a smartphone, takes customers straight to your website or promotion.

Instant Access: A simple tap connects customers directly to your online store or special offer.

Easy to Track: See how many customers are interacting with your ad.

How It Works:

Feature: Be featured in 100 boxes, reaching 100 potential new customers at only $1 each!

Choose What to Show: Pick a page or offer for customers to see when they tap the tag.

Send Us the Link: We’ll set up the tag to link directly to your chosen page.

Get Started:

To secure your spot in our next curated box, contact us today.

This is your chance to not only be seen, but also to be interacted with in a whole new way.

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